Avocado – Honey Moisturizing Deep Conditioner.

Another day of DIY. I’m currently on wool dreads as seen in this post, but before then, I tried an easy DIY moisturizing deep conditioning so as to make my hair soft when it undergoes all the pulling, combing and all that hardship lol. I read online, as usual, on different fruits and etc you can use to moisturize and soften the hair. What caught my attention was avocado. I have realized that most of the things I can’t eat are great for my hair e.g. bama mayonnaise, avocado, honey and so on.




1 ripe Avocado pear (depends on the density and length of your hair, for TWA’s, I’d advice one.)


Protein deep conditioner (this is completely optional, I only used it for added strength)

Olive oil

Coconut oil or your favorite oil

Essential oil (rosemary oil, lavender oil etc)



Wash, peel avocado pear and place in a bowl.

Mash the avocado or use a hand mixer, (I didn’t have one so I used a spoon.)

Add honey, coconut oil, olive oil, conditioner, essential oil, protein deep conditioner. (I added 4 tablespoons of honey, 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, 1 tablespoon of EVOO, 1 tablespoon of protein deep conditioner, 2 tablespoons of conditioner.)

Mix (beat) until everything is well blended.

Apply on freshly washed hair, ensuring every strand is well coated. (I shampooed my hair then applied the mix.)

Combing through the hair with a wide tooth comb can help in coating each strand. (I used an afro pick comb.)

Wear a plastic cap, nylon, shower cap.

Tie a scarf.



I let the mix stay in my hair for 9 hours (overnight), since coconut oil takes 14 hours on an average to penetrate the hair shafts, I couldn’t do 14 hours since I had a test that morning but if you can, why not.


What I did wrong

Oh my! I wasn’t supposed to add 4 parts of the honey, it should have been 3. I dripped all night. As in, D-R-I-P-P-E-D! I had to change my scarf and pillow case, it was that bad. I’d advice to judiciously know what your hair can consume before mixing the avocado and honey. The mix was somewhat creamy and light in consistency due to the extra teaspoon of honey.

However on the bright side, my hair was softer thanks to the extra honey added. 😀


Downside of using Avocado

I hate hate hate the smell of avocado, it is very sickening. The smell is nauseating, I felt “sick” throughout the night. If you don’t like the smell of avocado, add enough drops of your favourite essential oil, if I had one I’d have added enough. 😦



SOFTER AND WELL MOISTURIZED HAIR! LOL! The avocado-honey mix worked wonders, I’d definitely try it again but without the avocado or with an essential oil. Honey is a super moisturizer when used well. I’d definitely recommend this to anyone who wants softer hair. Also, the protein deep conditioner added needed strength to my hair. Right now my hair is at a good place, so glad. Even when I detangled, the hair I shed was close to nothing, God be praised. Team healthy hair!


Further results and explanations in pictures below:


L-R EVOO, Pure honey, Vitale protein deep conditioner, VO5 clarifying conditioner, extra virgin coconut oil and ripe avocado pear
L-R EVOO, Pure honey, Vitale protein deep conditioner, VO5 clarifying conditioner, extra virgin coconut oil and ripe avocado pear
Freshly washed ripe avocado pear.
Freshly washed ripe avocado pear.
Peel the avocado.
Peel the avocado.
Mashed avocado, no hand mixer so this was my best.
Mashed avocado, no hand mixer so this was my best.
Avocado, honey and etc mixed together.
Avocado, honey and etc mixed together.


After combing
After combing thorugh. I don’t know where my back hair is growing to.    -_-



My ratchet nylon for heat lol.
My ratchet nylon for heat lol.
Tied my scarf and dripped through out my sleep, :(
Tied my scarf and dripped through out my sleep, 😦
Hair lost after combing my hair the next day. Say what? I know right. *dancing*
Hair lost after combing my hair the next day. Say what? I know right. *dancing*

Has this DIY been helpful? Any tips to add? Let’s talk, leave a comment.

Post for my new protective style (wool dreads, locs, wool thread) up next.


7 thoughts on “Avocado – Honey Moisturizing Deep Conditioner.

  1. I’m planning to deep condition my hair tonight with EVOO and honey only (mini hot oil rinse) in preparation for my great big perm rod curls experiment over the weekend. Been having epic perm rod fails but this is my final try before I throw in the towel. Widh me luck! 🙂

    P.S: I hope I dont drip all over my pillow as I intend to deep condition overnight…….


    1. You will drip! Lol!
      Go easy on the mixture so you won’t drip.
      I haven’t tried perm rods though just flexi rods and I used a setting lotion to keep the curls in place but my hair was shorter then so it didn’t really come out fabulous. I have a post on that.
      So all the best with your perm rods experiment and practice always makes perfect!


      1. Thanks dearie – the dc went well. No dripping whatsoever. Will do the perm rods when I get home from work later on today. I’m making them extra, extra small soo the curls will be defined. Fingers crossed, the unravelling on saturday morning will not end in dejection and tears. 😉


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